For Murphy,

 My tears have dried up,

and my heart is still empty,

but still, feel you all around,

either barking or just looking at me.

Your sweet brown eyes,

Telling me everything was going to be fine,

You and me running around the corridor,

And so many of your memories mixed with mine.

You fought it hard like an army guy,

remember I,

leaned in and whispered in your ear,

We can win this fight,

for a new light of hope,

It's all of us with our families,

and you're watching us from above.

It's about to be 8 days,

You could do anything you wanted if you were still here,

We could go out in the starry sky,

with toys, and boxes of treats,

We could change anything we wanted,

if you were still here with me.

Remembering you there in my hands,

I could do nothing but miss you and cry,

I couldn't forget the look on their faces,

I wanted to go back in time.

I should've been there with you,

I should've asked you how to be,

Should've kept every single memory,

cause every scrap of you would be taken from me,

But just to let you know, wherever you are,

I would always and forever love you, Murphy.

                                                                                                                   - chia


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